Goethe’s Faust is an epic masterpiece that has inspired many of the greatest minds in history. From Carl Jung to Albert Einstein, the story of Faust has shaped their thoughts and how they view themselves and the world around them. It is no surprise then that one of the most brilliant minds in modern history, Nikola Tesla, was also heavily influenced by Goethe’s work.

By examining the themes of Faust and how they inspired Tesla, we can gain insight into how poetry and subconscious influences can have a strong effect on one’s perspective of life and its potential.

The Story of Faust (Summarized)

At its core, Faust is a story about a man who searches for knowledge and power beyond his own capabilities. His quest eventually leads him to make a deal with the devil to gain unlimited power and knowledge. This story has been interpreted in many ways, from a commentary on the folly of human desire to a representation of man’s struggle between good and evil.

Written in two parts, the first part of Faust is a tragedy and focuses on Faust’s relationship with his love interest Gretchen. The second part is more philosophical in nature, where Faust is described as a striving soul who wants to achieve greatness but struggles against the forces of evil. Ultimately, he succeeds in balancing these forces and gains knowledge that leads him to transcend mortality and reach true spiritual fulfillment.

As an alchemist, Faust is often seen as a symbol of man’s desire to control the forces of nature and bend them to his will. He is also an example of how a person can be driven to act by their subconscious desires, even if they do not realize it.

How Goethe’s Faust Inspired Nikola Tesla

Tesla found himself drawn to this story, perhaps because he too sought knowledge and power beyond his own capabilities. He was fascinated by the concept of achieving greatness and sought to apply it in his own life. Like Faust, Tesla saw the potential for science to be used to bring about great change and make a better world. This poem served as his inspiration to finish building his alternating current motor. This motor went on to revolutionize the energy industry and open up a world of possibilities for future generations.

The idea of tapping into “hidden forces” that exist beyond what we can see or touch was particularly appealing to him. He felt that this knowledge could help mankind understand the laws of nature and use them to better the world. Tesla was also inspired by the idea of harnessing the power of these forces, which he saw as analogous to electricity and magnetism.

Tesla believed that a combination of science and creativity could lead to great progress. He understood that technology had great potential for good but could also be abused if not used responsibly. His belief in the power of creativity is reflected in his famous saying, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

While Tesla had a deep appreciation for science, he also respected literature and poetry as powerful sources of inspiration. He believed that stories such as Faust could open up new perspectives and allow us to see the world differently. He saw poetry as a way to tap into our subconscious and gain insight into hidden truths.

What Other Hidden Powers Are Waiting To Be Discovered?

Tesla’s fascination with the hidden forces of nature is an example of how we can be inspired by stories to think differently and explore ideas that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. We still do not know what other secrets are waiting to be discovered but it is clear that literature and poetry, like Goethe’s Faust, have a powerful ability to open up our minds and reveal the potential for greatness.

This is why it is important to keep exploring these stories, both old and new, and use them as a source of inspiration. By doing so, we can gain insight into the depths of our subconscious and find hidden powers that could one day change the world. Who knows what other great discoveries are waiting for us to uncover?

The five senses are our main source of knowledge. But, as we have seen with Tesla, great minds can also tap into a sixth sense and access the mysterious power of the subconscious. By studying literature and poetry like Faust, we may be able to unlock even more hidden powers that could one day change the world for the better. Until then, let us keep exploring these stories and use them as tools for making a brighter future.

What Writers Can Learn From This Story

The Faust story is a powerful example of how authors can use literature and poetry to explore the complexities of the human experience. By delving into the subconscious and tapping into our creative potential, writers can access hidden truths that can shape their stories in meaningful ways.

In addition to this, exploring themes such as morality and cosmic balance found in Faust can help writers create compelling conflicts and characters that readers can relate to. By combining elements of science and creativity, authors can create stories that are both informative and emotionally resonant. Ultimately, this is what makes literature so powerful, as it has the potential to inspire us all in ways we never thought possible.

If you’re a writer or creative that’s struggling to find meaning or believe that your work is insignificant, then look to Faust and Tesla for inspiration. Their stories show us that combining science and creativity can open up new doors of possibilities, helping you see things from a different perspective and break down the barriers that are holding you back.

Even if it seems like your work is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, remember that it could lead to something unexpected and amazing. So don’t give up on your quest for knowledge and power – keep striving, keep exploring, and keep believing in yourself. That’s how great discoveries are made.

What Inventors Can Learn From This Story

Tesla’s admiration for Goethe’s Faust serves as a reminder that the potential of science and technology is limitless. From unlocking hidden forces to gaining insight into the laws of nature, countless opportunities are waiting to be explored by those willing to take risks and think outside of the box.

Inventors should strive to use their creativity to find solutions to problems and use science and technology responsibly. Just as Faust sought to balance the forces of nature, inventors should be mindful of how their inventions could impact the environment and society. Ultimately, this is what will bring about real progress and make a lasting difference in our world.

Don’t be afraid to explore the realm of fantasy to find new solutions and ideas. By combining imagination with scientific principles, you can discover hidden powers that could revolutionize the world. So keep your eyes open for potential opportunities and never fear failure – it’s part of the process of making great discoveries. That is how Tesla and Faust succeeded in their quests for knowledge and power, so take a page from their books and reach for the stars!

Final Thoughts

Tesla’s approach to life and his creative output were heavily influenced by Goethe’s work, particularly the themes of Faust. His ideas about harnessing energies and creativity are reflective of this influence. By looking at how Tesla was inspired by Goethe’s story, we can see how literature and poetry can serve as powerful sources of inspiration for science and technology.

Tesla also drew inspiration from Faust when it came to his own inner struggle between good and evil. He believed that he had a mission to use science for the greater good, but at times was tempted by the power of money and fame. This duality is something that Faust understands intimately, and Tesla looked to his story as a source of motivation and strength.

In closing, even if poetry or other creative works don’t inspire you to make a great discovery, they can still be a powerful source of strength and guidance. So don’t be afraid to explore the hidden depths of literature and draw inspiration from stories like Faust – you never know what you might find!

Continued Reading

Carl Jung spoke deeply about the Faust story and its ability to unlock hidden insights. He wrote extensively about how it can open up our minds and help us discover truths that may have otherwise been overlooked.

Jung is known for his psychological theories but he often drew from the works of other writers and thinkers. Read Part Two of Poetry and The Subconscious to learn more about how this analytical psychologist drew from the work of Faust in his own theories.

The Four Gentlemen: Tesla, Goethe, Jung and Einstein, all share a common pursuit – that of knowledge and power. They each found inspiration in literature to reach for the stars, but also had an understanding of the importance of morality in their pursuits.




3 responses to “How Goethe’s ‘Faust’ Inspired Nikola Tesla (Poetry and The Subconscious: Part One)”

  1. […] which was no doubt inspired by Faust’s journey of exploration on the path to enlightenment. Indeed, even Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors in history, was inspired by Goethe’s … His invention of the alternating current motor can be seen as symbolic of Faust’s […]


  2. Interesting. I studied the ‘Faust I’ as well as the ‘Faust II’ during my studies of German literature but had never come across a connection between Faust and Tesla. But it makes sense, indeed.
    Thanks for sharing thus info
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  3. […] How Goethe’s ‘Faust’ Inspired Nikola Tesla (Poetry and The Subconscious: Part&nbsp… […]


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